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lipid peroxides中文是什么意思

用"lipid peroxides"造句"lipid peroxides"怎么读"lipid peroxides" in a sentence


  • 类脂过氧化物


  • Effects of polifen on serum superoxide dismutase lipid peroxide and ceruloplasmin in patients with coal - worker s pneumoconiosis
  • Effect of folium ginkgo extract on the erythrocyte immunity funtion and serum lipid peroxide in asphyxia neonate
  • Circulating nitric oxide , lipid peroxides and superoxide dismutase in patients with chronic sinusitis anodmia and its clinical significance
  • The effects of cigarette smoking condensate on the activities of lactic dehydrogenase and the levels of lipid peroxides in rabbits ' blastocysts
  • It has the ability to slow aging by preventing the production and accumulation of active oxygen and lipid peroxide , lipofusion called the " aging pigment "
  • Zhao ying , et al . effects of fructus ligustri lucidi on the lipid peroxide content in mice brain , liver and the effects on liver sod activity . china pharmaceutical journal 1990 ; ( 6 ) : 47
    赵瑛,等?女贞子对小鼠脑、肝过氧化脂质含量及对肝sod活性的影响?中国药学报1990 ; ( 6 ) : 47 。
  • 2 ) effect on contents of mda mda is the product that membrane lipid peroxide and the contents of mda in plants can reflect the degree of the damage that the plants are encountered to some extent . the measurement results show that the accumulation of mda in transgenic tomato were lower than that of the control , which suggested that the cell membrane system was damaged under the low - temperature stresses , meanwhile the transformants suffered the little damage than the control plants
    2 )丙二醛含量:丙二醛是膜脂过氧化的产物,它在植物体内含量的高低能够在一定程度上反映植物受伤害的程度,实验结果表明转基因植株体内丙二醛的含量明显低于对照,说明转基因番茄在低温胁迫下有毒物质积累的少,膜脂过氧化程度轻,耐寒性强。
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